
Now for something a little bit different

I didn't blog the entire month of July. Obviously this is unacceptable. Suffice it to say there's been a lot going on. Some of it is not interesting enough talk about (I got a job as a personal banker). Some of it is quite interesting and quite none of your business. The other reason I haven't blogged has more to do with the fact that I am, apparently, emotionally and, therefore, creatively crippled. Yes, it is sad. At this time I'd like to give a shout out to my best friend, Tim. He's on my ass in the most loving way possible, and I appreciate it. "I don't care if it's one sentence, just write something." Well, I've stumbled upon a website that will allow me to do just that, so until I get my words back, check me out at www.twitter.com/carriekosicki

On this new site, I am limited to 140 characters. That includes spaces and punctuation. Even I can handle 140 characters a day, dead soul or no. See, I'm making vague references to Russian Literature--that's how broken my creative bone is right now. Anyway, just click the link. Add it to your bookmarks. Do whatever it is you actual bloggers do. See you there.