
My Ass Is Chapped

Robert Johnson (as in the founder of BET, not the blues guitarist who famously sold his soul to the devil) alluded to Barack Obama's drug use when he introduced Hilary Clinton at a stump speech last week. Fine. It lacks tact. If the media wants to point that out, okay. I personally don't give a shit if Obama wants to snort blow off his desk in the Oval Office, should he get there. Maybe he does his best thinking when his pupils are the size of dimes. Here's my issue. Everyone is taking this enlightened stance, saying that no one should care what the candidates did in their youth. I agree with that. The thing that pisses me off is this. Anyone remember the 1992 campaign and the way these same pundits wanted to crucify Bill Clinton over the fact that he smoked pot in the '60s? Could the media please just point out and embrace its own hypocrisy? If Obama is willing to own up to his own mistakes, so should they. Maybe the fact that we no longer care whether or not the candidates led exemplary lives before they entered the public arena is a good thing. It shows we're growing as a nation. I'm not sure where we should draw the line, but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

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